EWT: misleading information

    Cards (13)

    • eyewitness testimonies:
      • ability to remember details of events such as accidents or crimes which they have observed
    • misleading information:
      • incorrect information given to witness usually after event
      • comes in form of misleading questions + post event discussions
    • leading questions procedure (loftus + palmer):
      • 45 participants watched videos of car accidents + asked questions - critical question : bout how fast were they going when they hit eachother?
      • 5 groups given different verb for question: hit, contacted, bumped, collided, smashed
    • leading questions findings:
      • mean estimate speed was calculated for each speed
      • speed estimates varied, leading questions biased recall
      • smashed = 40.5mph, contacted = 31.8mph
    • response bias explanation - misleading questions:
      • wording has no real effect on memory, just influences how they answer
      • participants encouraged to estimate higher speed when word smashed is used
    • substitution explanation - misleading questions:
      • question alters memory of participants
      • more likely to recall seeing broken glass when smashed was used
    • post event discussion (gabbert et al):
      • studied participants in pairs
      • each pair watched same video from different point of views - each participant saw elements the others didnt
      • discussed what they saw before completing recall test
    • post event discussion findings:
      • 71% mistakenly recalled aspects of event they didnt see but picked up in discussion
      • control group = 0%
    • memory contamination - post event discussion:
      • testimonies altered/distorted following discussions
      • combine info from other witnesses with their own memories
    • memory conformity - post event discussion:
      • witnesses go along with others, either to win social approval or they believe other witnesses are right
      • actual memory is unchanged
    • EVALUATION: real world application
      • consequences can be serious, leading questions have distorting effect on memory - led to police changing questioning techniques (cognitive interview)
      • cognitive interview - provides more accurate info than standard interview (kohnken et al)
      • psychologists can improve way legal system works - protects innocent people from faulty convictions
    • EVALUATION: low ecological validity
      • loftus + palmer - watched film clips in lab, different from in real life - may not take study seriously, anxiety level may not reflect response to accident
      • foster et al - if they were watching real robbery + thought it may influence trial, identification = more accurate + yuille +cutshall - people gave accurate reports of armed robbery despite 2 leading questions
      • misleading info may have less influence on accounts
    • EVALUATION: demand characteristics
      • zaragoza + mccloskey - argue demand characteristics more likely when participants want to appear helpful or let researcher down
      • participants may guess when asked question they dont know
      • conclusions drawn from lab based research may lack validity, dont reflect real life behaviour or recall
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