fisher + geiselman recommended police employ techniques based on psychological insights to improve accuracy of testimonies
cognitive interview techniques:
report everything
reinstate context
reverse order
report everything:
interviewer encourages reporting every single detail of event without editing
trivial details may be important + trigger other memories
reinstate context:
mentally recreate physical + psychological environment of incident
makes memories accessible through contextual + emotional cues
reverse order:
events recalled in different order from original sequence
prevents expectations about what happens + dishonesty
change perspective:
witnesses told to recall from multiple perspectives
disrupts expectations + effect of our own schema
retrieval failure in cognitive interview:
forgetting occurs due to absence of cues
report everything + reinstate context relate to context/state dependent forgetting
schema in cognitive interview:
cognitive framework that helps organise + interpret information
allows us to take shortcuts interpreting lots of info available in environment
reverse order + change perspective helps to disrupt schema
enhanced cognitive interview (fisher):
additional elements to focus on social dynamics:
give/relinquish eye contact
decreases distractions
witness speaks slowly + asked open ended questions
creates friendly + relaxed atmosphere, helps to establish rapport + recall more info
EVALUATION: research support
kohnken et al - meta analysis 55 studies - compare effectiveness of enhanced cognitive interview with standard interview
enhanced interview provides more accurate info than standard - only 4 showed no difference
cognitive interview = effective technique that helps to recall info - greater chance of police catching + charging criminal, benefical to society
EVALUATION: focus on quantity over quality
procedure is designed enhance quantity of correct recall without compromising quality
kohnken et al - 81% increase of correct info, 61% increase in incorrect compared to standard
police have to treat all info cautiously as accuracy isnt guaranteed
EVALUATION: time consuming training + implementation
kebbel + wagstaff reported problem with interview in practice - police suggest techniques require more time + instead use deliberate strategies to limit report to minimum amount
cognitive interview requires special training, many forces havent been able to provide more than few hours of training
use of interview hasnt been widespread + properly implemented, many be better to focus on few key elements