
Cards (17)

  • What are the two ways of detecting radiation?
    • using photographic film
    • using a Geiger - Muller tube
  • How do we know that radiation is present using photographic film?
    The photographic film becomes foggy. The darker the photographic film, the more radiation.
  • What are the sources of background radiation?
    • ground and buildings
    • medical
    • radon and thoron gas which are products formed from the decay of radioactive materials.
    • cosmic rays which come from nuclear reactions in stars, supernovae, the sun.
    • food and drinks which contain radioactive isotopes
    • leaking of radioactive material into the environment
  • What is radioactive decay?
    Radioactive decay is a random process. It is the number of decays that occur per unit time. it is measured in Becquerels.
  • What is the unit for activity (radioactive decay) ?
  • What is half life?
    It is the length of time it takes for the activity of an amount of radioactive substance to halve.
  • What are atoms made up of?
    Protons, neutrons and electrons.
  • What is atomic number?
    It is the total number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
  • What is atomic mass?
    It is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
  • What are isotopes?

    Atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
  • Protons are held in the nucleus by which kind of force?
    Nuclear force.
  • The force that causes protons to repel one another because they have the same charge is called?
    Electric force.
  • what are the three types of ionising radiation?
    Alpha , beta , gamma.
  • What type of radiation is the most ionising?
    Alpha radiation.
  • What type of radiation is the most penetrating?
    Gamma radiation.
  • What does range mean?
    It is the distance that ionising radiation can travel through matter
  • One becquerel is equal to?
    One decay per second.