Strengths and Weaknesses of Hick’s responses to the problem of evil

Cards (11)

  • Strengths of Two Stage Creation
    - Fits in well with modern scientific understandings of the Big Bang Theory and Evolution theory. - Creation has to be made imperfect for true development
  • Weaknesses of Two Stage Creation
    Griffin thinks that millions of years of evolutionary process seems excessive
  • Strengths of Free Will
    Many people agree with Hick that virtue that has been won the hard way is worth more than virtue instantly gained for no cost
  • Weaknesses of Free Will
    Hicks theodicy is racist. Evil is evil even when free will is used as an excuse. Racism serves no positive purpose and cannot ever be justified
  • Strengths of Epistemic Distance
    God has to have epistemic distance for true free will
  • Strengths of Counter Factual Hypothesis
    It is logical that we cannot know good without evil
  • Weaknesses of Counter Factual Hypothesis
    - Griffin suggests that Hick's counter factual argument, that a paradise world would not just allow us to develop, is a false dilemma. That is, it could be possible to have a world that challenges us to develop while at the same time, is not as filled with suffering as our own. - Why should other peoples suffering help us? It is unfair
  • Strengths of the Vale of Soul Making
    True virtues like compassion and kindness that lie at heart of being human are truly discovered through pain and suffering
  • Weaknesses of the Vale of Soul Making
    - Hick justifies too much suffering- God seems to allow catastrophic evil for no other reason than our development
  • Strengths of Universal Salvation
    Explains present injustices in the world
  • Weaknesses of Universal Salvation
    - Contradicts the Bible and the idea of heaven and hell - Contradicts the Bible and the rule of Jesus' sacrifice and soul deciding - If all people reach heaven then what is the point of this world and suffering?