Appearances and Reality

Cards (38)

  • How do the Macbeths' outward appearances affect their actions?
    They appear trustworthy to commit murder
  • What literary device does Shakespeare use to manipulate reality in Macbeth?
    The supernatural elements like Witches
  • What do the Witches symbolize in Macbeth?
    Chaos and confusion
  • What paradox is created at the beginning of Macbeth?
    Contradictory statements reflect appearance vs. reality
  • How does Banquo warn Macbeth about the Witches?
    They can deceive with small truths
  • What does Lady Macbeth's ambition lead her to do?
    Deceive others to gain power
  • How does Shakespeare portray the unreliability of appearances?
    Appearances can be manipulated and deceptive
  • How does Lady Macbeth's mental state change throughout the play?
    She loses control and is ultimately destroyed
  • What does Macbeth's first line reveal about his character?
    His fate is tied to confusion and contradiction
  • How does Macbeth view appearances?
    As something to be managed for intentions
  • What does Shakespeare suggest about society's view of appearances?
    People fear intimacy and judgment
  • How does Macbeth's exploitation of appearances affect him?
    He becomes unable to cope with reality
  • How does the supernatural influence the characters in Macbeth?
    It creates chaos and confusion in their actions
  • How do societal expectations affect Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?
    They drive their ambition and deception
  • What role does irony play in character descriptions?
    It highlights the contrast between appearance and reality
  • What are the consequences of manipulating appearances in Macbeth?
    It leads to guilt and loss of control
  • How do guilt and ambition psychologically affect Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?
    They lead to paranoia and mental instability
  • What are the two powerful forces humanity is subjected to according to the text?
    Time and truth
  • What does Shakespeare suggest about people's appearances in society?
    They use appearances to protect from judgment
  • How does Macbeth's exploitation of appearances affect him?
    He struggles to discern his reality
  • What do the morbid hallucinations suggest about Macbeth's true nature?
    It cannot be changed despite appearances
  • What is the biggest conflict related to appearance vs. reality in Macbeth?
    It exists within Macbeth's own mind
  • How does Duncan's character relate to the theme of appearance vs. reality?
    He is vulnerable due to his gullibility
  • What does Shakespeare suggest about true evil?
    It arrives with the face of goodness
  • What does the symbolism of darkness represent after Duncan's murder?
    The chaos and distress in the world
  • How does Macbeth's wish relate to his control over reality?
    It suggests he can manipulate his environment
  • What should students note about changes in atmosphere in the play?
    Small changes can influence the overall mood
  • How is Macbeth introduced in the play?
    Through the words of the Witches
  • What do the Witches' presence foreshadow?
    The use of trickery and witchcraft
  • What is the relationship between Macbeth and the Witches?
    • The Witches deceive Macbeth
    • Macbeth betrays his kinsmen and friends
    • Their roles complement each other
  • What motivates Macbeth's deception?
    His lust to be king
  • How does the hierarchy of power function in the play?
    Citizens obey the king, who obeys the Witches
  • How does Shakespeare structure the breakdown of order in Scotland?
    • Appearance vs. reality linked to order vs. disorder
    • Initial chaos shown through thunder and lightning
    • Order maintained by Duncan before Macbeth's reign
    • Chaos increases after Macbeth becomes king
  • What do ghosts and hallucinations symbolize in the play?
    The divide between appearance and reality
  • What does the switch from blank verse to prose indicate?
    Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's mental instability
  • What is the final message of the play regarding appearances?
    • Anyone can wear a mask
    • Innocent appearances can hide true evil
    • This goes against natural order and God
    • Results in death and suffering
  • How do the Macbeths' moods change by the end of the play?
    They swing violently and unpredictably
  • What happens to the Macbeths' sense of self?
    It is destroyed by their deceit