Cognitive Approach

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  • Cognitve approach explains human behaviour in terms of mental processes.
    • This contrasts with learning approaches, which focus only on behaviour that can be observed from the outside.
  • Chomsky explained that language cannot be learned through classical and operant conditioning.
    In stead, we build up mental models of the rule of grammar.
  • The Cognitive approach is linked with an effective approach to therapy for disorders; cognitive behavioural therapy.
  • Schema is a cognitive structure where thoughts and memories are linked together.
  • Schema’s are influenced by the culture in which you grow up.
  • Cognitive psychologists can’t look inside someone’s head to see thought processes and schema’s - these must be studied indirectly
  • Learning about mental processes by observing behaviour is called - inferences.
    • Cognitive psychologists use these inferences to build and test models
  • Atkinson and Shiffrin’s model of memory is a good example of a computer model - early days of cognitive psychology.
    • Views memory as being based on processing and storing information.
  • A key method used in cognitive neuroscience is the functional magnetic resonance imaging brain scan.