One limitation is that there are ethical issues associated with Milgram'sresearch.
Firstly Milgram deceived his participants by lying about the experiments aims and the fact the other ppt was a confederate.
He also caused potential psychological harm to participants as they may have felt distress as being capable of inflicting shocks to others.
This is a problem because participants were not protected and this could cause the reputation of psychology to be damaged.
However--- Cost/Benefit analysis
One issue is that Milgram'sresearch lacked internal validity.
It is suggested that participants may have guessed that the shocks were fake, which would mean Milgram wasn't actually testing obedience and the results were instead influenced by demand characteristics.
This is a problem because it suggests Milgram did not measure what he intended to, meaning the results have little use in explaining obedience.
Sheridan and King conducted a similar study where participants delivered fake shocks to puppies.
They found that 54% of males and 100% of females believed the shocks were real in this case.
This means that Milgram's ppts may actually have believed that the shocks were genuine.
One limitation is that Milgram'sresearch lacked population validity.
This is because only male American volunteers(certain type of personality) were used in the study. This sample is not representative of females or people from other countries.
This is a problem because it cannot be concluded that those with other cultural experiences, or female participants would respond in a similar way to that observed by Milgram.
-> This does not display those in collectivist cultures.
One issue with Milgram's study is it's lab based setting.
This is because the task( giving electric shocks) is very different to everyday life obedience where people are more likely to follow harmless instructions.
Additionally, the lab setting is not reflective of a real life environment in which people would typically obey.
This is a problem because it suggests that the study lacks ecological validity and cannot be applied to real life obedience.