After WW2Britain had instead repaired its decrepit Victorian infrastructure which couldn't compete with Germany, Japan and France who’d rebuilt
They continued butlers main policy :
Operate a mixed economy
Follow a loose form of Keynesianism
what did butlers policies want to avoid?
The extremes of inflation and deflation by a series of adjustments to meet problems
inflation was seen as the biggest threat to economic stability
what were the series of adjustments?
raising interest rates to discourage borrowing
increasing import controls to limit purchases from abroad - reduce trade gap
Budget Politics
A common arguement was that short term economic policy was used to buy votes close to an election
Give an example of budget politics
-1959 budget - Derick Heath-coat Amory introduced a range tax cuts when high inflation would’ve been better tackled by financial restraint - led to increased consumer spending and higher inflation and wider trade gap
Faced with this he placed significant tax increases and cuts in public spending
1964 election
Deflationary policies remained until 1963 when to gain lost popularity MacMillan returned to an expansionist policy - taxes and interest rates lowered
Led to spending on Foriegn goods as British stocks couldnt match sharp increase
Result = Balance of payments deficit = $800 million
What was the balance of payments deficit in 1964
$800 million
Stop - Go
Britain lacked any real economic strategy
Government adjustments wasnt integrated plan
Policy lagged behind events
Failure of long termconsistently performing economy
Compound of stagnation and inflation
Industry declines but inflation persists
Difficult part of government planning - events dear boy event
1958 - MacMillan chooses monetarism and thorneycroft and Enoch Powell resign as post war consensus continues
Why did Britain have such a a law industrial growth rate?
Heavy defense expenditure
Maintained costly military and naval bases
Expensive nuclear arms development programme
The ones developing faster hadn’t these burdens
by 1964 how much was being spent on defense?
$1.7 million and 10 percent of the GDP
800k unemployed by 1962
led to strikes
1961pay pauses hit nurses who were already the poorest
Whilst economy is bad people favour opppsotion
Post war economics prosperity with end of rationing
Never had it so good
Full employment in 1955
Car 500% increase in ownership
300k houses built
material prosperity was rising but not competing internationally