Trade and exploration

Cards (44)

  • What year did the third expedition take place?

  • What ship did Elizabeth supply to Hawkins?
    The Jesus of Lubeck
  • Which two forces were involved at San Juan de Luau in 1568?
    English privateers and Spanish forces
  • What happened to Drake during the San Juan de Luau event?
    Drake abandoned
  • How many ships returned from the expedition?
    1 ship, Minion
  • When was the Muscovy Company charted?
  • What was the primary trade route for the Muscovy Company in the 1560s?
    Trade through Russia
  • What monopoly charter was granted to the Muscovy Company in 1577?
    Whaling monopoly charter
  • How did the Muscovy Company impact the Hanseatic League?
    Helped break its monopoly
  • Why did the Muscovy Company fail to compete effectively?
    Failed to compete with the Dutch
  • When was the Eastland Company set up?
  • What was the primary trade focus of the Eastland Company?
    Trade in the Baltic
  • When was the Levant Company established?
  • What was the Levant Company's trade focus?
    Trade with the Ottoman Empire
  • When was the East India Company established?
  • How were the companies mentioned in the study material characterized?
    All relatively modest
  • Who circumnavigated the globe from 1577 to 1580?
    Francis Drake
  • What was significant about Drake's circumnavigation?
    He was the second man to achieve this
  • What was the Queen's involvement in Drake's project?
    She secretly invested in the project
  • What were the goals of Drake's voyage?
    Explore trade opportunities and attack Spanish ships
  • When did Drake set off on his voyage?
  • How many men were part of Drake's expedition?
    164 men
  • What incident occurred during Drake's voyage?
    Mutiny led by Thomas Doughty
  • What challenge did Drake face in South America?
    Attack from indigenous people
  • What Spanish settlement was taken by surprise in December 1578?
  • What was the outcome of the raid on the Spanish settlement?
    Drake made off with 25,000 gold pesos
  • What did the Spanish claim as their losses from the raid?
    200,000 pesos
  • What date did Drake capture the Cacafuego?
    1 March 1579
  • What was significant about the Cacafuego on 13 March 1579?
    Drake captured 13 chests of plate
  • What treasures did Drake acquire from the Cacafuego?
    Gold, gemstones, and silver
  • Who was involved in the colonization efforts mentioned in the study material?
    Humphrey Gilbert and Richard Hakluyt
  • What did Richard Hakluyt write about in 1584?
    A Discourse of Western Planting
  • Who gained investment for colonization from Walsingham?
  • When did Elizabeth issue a patent to colonize Virginia?
  • What was the outcome of the first colonization attempt from 1585-86?
    It failed due to various issues
  • Who were the key figures in the first colonization attempt?
    Phillip Amadas and Arthur Barlow
  • What were the reasons for the failure of the first colonization attempt?
    Season, supplies, people, inexperience
  • Who led the second colonization attempt?
    John White
  • Where was the second colonization attempt made?
    Chesapeake Bay
  • What challenges did the second colonization attempt face?
    Hostility and lack of supplies