Bear-Pit politics

Cards (10)

  • party makes no decisions or initiatives at policies as Stalin Makes all the decision
  • the role of the party is to oversee whatever Stalin wills - reconstruction, economic activity etc - select who gets into government roles
  • government officials and party members didn't interact - Stalin was the in between and encouraged tensions so they wouldn’t work against him
  • polit beaura - rarely met in one group after great patriotic war
  • no party congress until 1952
  • Polit beaura
    • Made up of same people before Great War
    • Molotov, Beria, Kaganovich, Zhdanov, Mikoyan, Khrushchev, malenkov
    • stalin makes decision - they make detail
  • Stalin creates rivalries
    Malenkov and Zhdanov were fierce rivals as they wanted to be favoured
    • Frustrated by Zhdanov being the favourite
  • Designed to make everyone feel incredibly uncomfortable
    • Practical jokes - Mikolyan wore suits - Beria put tomatoes in his pockets and squished them
    • Removed ceremonial sword for pickle
    • Beria stuck prick on Khrushchev’s back
  • People went to drink with Stalin one night an d arrested the next
  • members of Polit Beauru never felt secure in their positions