Free Will and Determinism

Cards (18)

  • Free Will
    The notion humans can make choices and are not determined by biological or external forces
  • Determinism
    The view that an individual's behaviour is shaped or controlled by internal or external forces rather than a person's will to do something
  • Hard determinism
    Free will is not possible as behaviour is always caused by internal or external events beyond our control
  • Soft determinism
    All events have causes but behaviour can be determined by our conscious choices outside of coercion
  • Biological Determinism
    The belief that behaviour is caused by biological influences such as genetics that we cannot control
  • Environmental Determinism
    The belief that behaviour is caused by features of the environment such as systems of reward and punishment that we cannot control
  • Psychic Determinism
    The belief that behaviour is caused by unconscious conflicts that we cannot control
  • Free Will
    • Humanistic approach believes in free will
    • Belief in personal growth and that it is necessary to become fully functioning human beings
    • Client Centred Therapy emphasises the freedom of the client to deal with their own problems
  • What are the 3 types of hard determinism?
    1. Biological
    2. Psychic
    3. Environmental
  • SLT and Cognitive Approach Soft Determinism
    • SLT says to some extent the environment does cause our behaviour however we have mediational processes
    • Our conscious thoughts enable us to freely decide who we pay attention to
    • While internal mental processes in the cognitive approach guide behaviour people can make choices based on their cognitive processing
  • Biological Determinism: Biological Approach
    • Emphasises the role of biological determinism
    • Behaviour is influenced by internal biological factors such as genes
    • The influence of the ANS on the stress response
  • Environmental Determinism: Behaviourist Approach
    • Skinner claimed free will is an illusion and that behaviour is as a result of conditioning
    • We may think we are acting independently but it may be as a result of reinforcement
  • Psychic Determinism: Psychodynamic Approach
    • Freud said free will is an illusion and emphasised the influence of biological drives and instincts
    • Human behaviour is determined by unconscious conflicts repressed in childhood
  • The scientific emphasis on causal explanations
    • In experimental methods something is manipulated (IV) and something is measure (DV)
    • Want to see the impact of the IV ( the cause) on the DV ( the effect)
    • Must establish control by doing a lab experiment so we can say we have full control and that the IV is causing the DV
  • AO3 Determinism: Issues with the law
    • If someone adopted a biologically deterministic view then a criminal can say that a crime is not their fault
    • Hard determinism goes against the legal system
    • Offenders are held responsible for their actions
    • Determinism cannot work in the real world
  • AO3 Free Will: Practical Value
    • We exercise free choice in our everyday lives
    • Thinking we have free will can improve mental health
    • Having an external locus of control lead to adolescents have a greater chance of developing depression
    • Thinking we have free will has positive impacts
  • AO3 Determinism: Research Evidence
    • Brain scan evidence supports determinism
    • Research told PPs to flick their wrist while he measures brain activity
    • PPs had to say when they felt like they should move and unconscious brain activity came half a second before the PPs moved
    • Most of our experiences may already be decided by our brain even before we are aware
  • AO3 Determinism: Oversimplified
    • Another issue is determinist explanations have a tendency to oversimplify human behaviour
    • Deterministic explanations may be appropriate for non humans but human behaviour may be less rigid or influenced by such innate drives
    • Cognitive factors such as thinking, values, beliefs systems may all play a role in overriding biological impulses