The idea that human behaviour should be understood not as separate parts but as an integrated whole
Explaining complex behaviours by breaking them down into their smaller parts
Levels of explanations
There are different levels at which behaviour can be explained ranging from a low reductionist perspective to a higher holistic perspective
Biological reductionism
Form of reductionism which attempts to explain social and psychological phenomena at a lower biological level
Environmental reductionism
The attempt to explain all behaviour in terms of stimulus response links that have been learned through experience
Holism explained
Seeing a person as a whole
Seen in the humanistic approach
Use qualitative methods to investigate the self
Biological reductionism
All behaviour is somewhat biological
Biologically reductionist arguments work backwards
If drugs increasing serotonin are effective in treating OCD then low serotonin could be said to cause OCD
We have reduced OCD to low levels of serotonin
Environmental reductionism
All behaviour is learned through interactions with the environment
Explain behaviour in terms of conditioning
The learning theory of attachment reduces the idea of love between an infant and mother to a learned association between the mother and food leading to pleasure
Levels of explanation: OCD
Socio-cultural level- OCD interrupts social relationships
Psychological level- The person experiencing anxiety
Physicallevel- washing one's hands
Physiological- abnormal functioning in the frontal lobes
Neurochemical- low levels of serotonin
AO3 Holism: Somebehaviours can only be understood in a group
Research into conformity provides support for holism
There are social behaviours that only emerge within certain groups and can't be understood at the individual level
Conformity to social roles of the prisoners and guards in Zimbardo cannot be fully understood by simplystudying the PPs alone
Analysing the interaction between PPs and the behaviour of the entire group was more important in understanding what was happening
A holistic explanation can provide understanding reductionist approaches ignore
AO3 Reductionism: Scientific
Reductionistic approaches form the basis of a scientific approach
In order to conduct well controlled research we need to operationalise variables
Breaking down components to have an IV and DV so then experiments can be objective and reliable
This allows cause and effect to be established
Examples include the Strange Situation and BF Skinner
AO3Holism: Lack of practical value
Holistic accounts of human behaviour become hard to use as they become more complex
For example if we take a humanistic approach to explain depression it becomes hard to say which factor is the most influential in developing depression
It become difficult on what to base the therapy on if we don't know the most important factor
AO3 Reductionism: Ignoresotherexplanations
Most psychologists acknowledge that the likelihood that behaviour is purelybiologicallydriven is low
The complexity involved in every behaviour means that a purely reductionistexplanation is insufficient
Taking a reductionist viewpoint may mean that other explanations are ignored such as CBT which tackles belief systems in people with depression
A reductionist viewpoint and its subsequent treatment may lead to addressing the symptoms rather than the underlying cause