Idiographic and Nomothetic

Cards (12)

  • Idiographic Approach
    Focuses more on the individual as a means of understanding behaviour
  • Nomothetic Approach
    Attempts to study human behaviour through the development of general principles and universal laws
  • Idiographic Approach to psychological investigations
    • The number of PPs in idiographic research is small or even just individuals
    • It may include the person's family at most
    • Generalisations cannot be made as it is about understanding the individual
  • Idiographic research methods
    • Qualitative research
    • Case studies or unstructured interviews
    • Aims to get insight and depth from PPs
  • Examples of idiographic approach in psychology
    • Humanistic and Psychodynamic
    • Rogers dealt with conditions of self worth which did client centred therapy and helping the person come up with their own solutions
    • Freud did many case studies such as Wolfman which were subjective accounts of a person's experience to understand behaviour
  • Nomothetic research methods
    • Quantitative research
    • Structured interviews to get a large amount of data of many people
    • Statistical analysis to test for significance
    • Aims to quantify human behaviour to create general laws
  • Examples of nomothetic approach in psychology
    • Behaviourist and biological approach
    • BF Skinner used rats in a controlled lab experiments and got quantitative data to develop general laws for learning
    • Biological approach used brain scans which are objective to generalise to the wider population
  • Objective vs Subjective
    • Objectivity happens in the nomothetic approach
    • Laws of behaviour are only possible if methods of assessment are delivered in a standardised and objective way
    • True replication across samples
    • Subjectivity happens in the idiographic approach as it is about an individual's experience
  • AO3 Idiographic: Lack of generalisability
    • Suffers from the inability to produce general predictions about behaviour
    • Makes treatments difficult to devise
    • It would be for too time consuming to produce personal therapies for each individual
    • This may be due to not being as scientific as the nomothetic approach making it difficult to establish cause and effect and generalise to others
  • AO3 Idiographic: Avoids cultural bias
    • The nomothetic approach suffers from universality as it assumes behaviour will be the same everywhere
    • This leads to ethnocentrism which is the superiority of one culture over another
    • By focusing on individuals the idiographic approach avoids doing this and making general laws that may not even apply to everyone
  • AO3 Nomothetic: Scientific credibility
    • The majority of psychology is based on the nomothetic approach as patterns and trends can be seen
    • This is due to the standardised and objective methods used
    • In line with the features of science due to objectivity and replication
    • Predictions can be made as well as interventions devised where necessary
  • AO3 Nomothetic: Losing the person
    • The nomothetic approach is occupied with creating general laws so it loses the whole person
    • There is a 1% risk of developing schizophrenia but this does not tell us about how it is having to live with such a disorder
    • Understanding the subjective experience might be useful when producing treatments in this case