
Cards (4)

    • mothers and fathers should play equal, but different roles in family life
    • family includes extended family
    • extended family is basis for ummah
    • different generations of families may live together
    • children are expected to care for their parents and older family members
    • "Be kind to parents [...] address them in terms of honour."
  • the purpose of a Muslim damily is to:
    • to procreate
    • children are blessing from God
    • "For every tree there is a fruit and the fruit of the heart is the child"
    • to provide stability and protection for children
    • "Honour your children and perfect their manners"
    • many believe they will be judged on how they have raised their children
    • to raise children in Islamic faith
    • "command your children to pray"
    • celebrating festivals, keep halal diet etc