The strange situation

Cards (10)

  • What was the aim of the strange situation?
    To find a way to measure attachment type
  • Who created the strange situation
  • Where did the strange situation take place?
    Controlled observation in a lab
  • What is the method of the strange situation?
    1. Observer takes mother and infant into a room, and leaves (30 sec)
    2. Mother allows baby to explore (3 min)
    3. Stranger enters, silent (1 min), talks to mother (1 min), interacts with child (1 min)
    4. Mother leaves the room, and stranger interacts (3 min)
    5. Mother returns, comforts baby, and leaves saying bye-bye. (3 min)
    6. Stranger leaves and baby is alone (3 min)
    7. Stranger returns (3 min)
    8. Mother returns and stranger leaves
  • Who took part in the strange situation
    100 middle class mother and babies.
  • Recall the strange situation table.
  • Explain the population validity of the strange situation
    100 middle class mother does not provide a large basis of reliable results.
  • Explain the internal validity of the strange situation
    - Demand characteristics from mother
    - Baby out of natural enviroment (may act up)
    - Only measures relationship with mother
    - Isn't applicable to other cultures.
    - Baby might be having a bad day
  • Explain the standardisation on the strange situation
    - Control of variables
    - Keeping variables consistant
  • Explain the monotropic evaluation of the strange situation.
    If primary attachment is with dad or someone else, baby will act avoidant, leading to misdiagnosis.