Cultural variations in attachment

Cards (8)

  • How was the strange situation contrivesial?
    It is an example of ethnocentrism - the belief your culture is superior. She based the characteristics of attachment of USA cultural norms.
    The strange model was found to only apply to the culture it was developed in (USA). It is an example of imposed etic, imposing other cultures with their theory.
  • Explain Takahashi's study
    60 japanese infants and their mothers were put through the strange situation.
    - 68% secure
    - 32% insecure resistant
    - 0% avoidant
    Japanese children were left more disturbed than the americans at being left alone. 90% were stopped because the infant become so distressed.
  • What is the evaluation for takahashi
    Findings suggested that cross-cultural variation in the way infants respond to seperation is massive. Japanese children experience kangaroo parenting, where they are not left alone for the first two years of life.
  • Explain the findings of Grossman and Grossman's study
    German infants were more likely to be insecure avoidant, and the stranage situation was not an appropriate way of measuring attachment in germany.
  • Explain the evaluation for grossman and grossman's study
    German parents encourage distance between them and their children - becoming indepedant.
    In the strange situation, infants appear to not need their mum and not show evidence of wanting them to be close.
  • Explain Kroonenburg et al meta analysis
    Involved 32 studies in 8 countries, most striking finding is a considerable consistency across cultures - overall averages 65% secure, 21% avoidant and 14% resistant.
  • What is the phrase about kroonenburg meta analysis that you NEED to know?
    'There is greater consistency across cultures than within cultures.
  • What were the anomolies of kroonenberg meta analysis?
    - Germany had a disproportionate amount of avoidant attachment
    - Isreal and Japan has a disproportionate amount of resistant attachment.