Relative Dating

Cards (16)

  • Relative dating is accomplished by placing events in logical sequential order.
  • Why is geological time important?
    To understand the physical and biological history of our planet.
  • There was no reliable method for absolute dating before radiometric dating, therefore relative dating methods were used.
  • Do relative dating tell us the exact age of fossils?
    No, but they can be used to estimate the age of fossils
  • What are the fundamental principles of relative dating?
    Superposition, cross-cutting, original horizontally, lateral continuity, inclusions, and fossil succession.
  • Superposition
    The oldest layer is deposited on the bottom, the youngest is on the top
  • Original horizontally
    Sediment and some volcanic units is originally deposited horizontally and later tilted/folded
  • Lateral continuity
    Sediment extends laterally in all directions until it thinks and pinches out or terminates against the edge of a depositional basin.
  • Cross-cutting
    James Hutton recognized that an igneous intrusion must be younger than the rock it intrudes.
  • Lava vs sill cross-cutting
    Sills bake the top and bottom of rock while lava flow bake the bottom only.
  • Inclusion
    Inclusions are older than the host rock
  • Angular Unconformity
    Tilted/folded sedimentary rock overlain by flat-lying sedimentary rock.
    An erosional surface on tilted/folded rocks, over which younger rocks were deposited.
  • Nonconformity
    Igneous/Metamorphic rock overlain by flat-lying sedimentary rock.
    An erosional surface cut into igneous/metamorphic rocks and overlain by younger sediment rocks.
  • Disconformity: separates younger from older strata of sedimentary rocks that are parallel to each other
  • Correlating rock units
    Correlation — demonstration of equivalency of rock units from one area to another.
  • Time equivalence is usually demonstrated by the occurrence of similar fossils in strata.