The humanistic approach looks at free will, which is that humans choose how to behave.
Self-Actualization Needs
Needs related to personal growth, creativity, and realizing one's potential. Deficiency leads to feelings of stagnation and unlived life.
Esteem Needs
Needs related to self-esteem, recognition, achievement, and respect from others. Deficiency leads to low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy.
Love and Belonging Needs
Needs related to social connections, friendship, love, and a sense of belonging. Deficiency leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Safety Needs
Needs related to security, stability, and protection from physical and emotional harm. Deficiency leads to anxiety and fear.
Physiological Needs
Basic needs necessary for human survival, such as food, water, air, sleep, and shelter. Deficiency leads to diseases and impairments.
What is self-actualisation?
Is the concept that humans strive to fulfil their potential. A person who has fulfilled their potential and is their ideal self is said to have achieved self-actualisation.
What are conditions of worth?
Conditions of worth are the conditions or criteria that individuals believe they must meet in order to be valued or loved by others.
What is unconditional positive regard?
When a person receives love and support no natter how they behave.
Criticisms of Maslow’s theory
it is subjective in nature
Inability to account for phenomena that happen in the real world
Carl Rogers believed that a therapist needed to display three features to maximise the effectiveness client centred therapy.
Unconditional positive regard
Gibbard and Hanley - Person-Centered Therapy
Procedure: Core Outcome Measure was administered at referral and at the beginning and end of therapy.
Results: Pre-post therapy effect size for 697 individuals for over a 5 year period was 1.2
Conclusion: Indicates that person-centred therapy is effective for common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.