The force field consists of two opposing forces - one set of forces, the driving forces, are working for change, and the other set, restraining forces, are working against change
Change occurs when the driving forces are stronger than the restraining forces
Forces for change -> Current state <- Forces resisting change
Forces for change include
need to keep up with competition
increasing number of customer complaints
new owners wanting higher returns
poor financial performance
Forces resisting change include
lack of finance for investment
reluctance on behalf of existing staff
resistance from certain stakeholder groups
lack of skills and training
Problems with Lewin's force field analysis
just identifies the problem doesn't suggest how to fix them
For change to actually occur
the drivers for change may get stronger
for example, if the business falls even further behind its rivals
The forces for resisting change may be reduced
for example, employees may begin to see the need to change more clearly and, therefore be more open to the idea or the financial position of the business might improve providing the money needed to invest in changing its approach