
Cards (12)

  • Durkheim argued that 'crime is normal' and 'an integral part of all healthy societies'
  • Durkheim argued that too much crime is bad for society, as it would result in an anomie (lack of norms and values in society). However, just the right amount of crime is important for society to run smoothly
  • Durkheim argued that crime is inevitable because not everyone in society is going to be equally committed to the collective sentiments (shared values and morals). This is because we are all exposed to different influences and circumstances
  • Durkheim believed we needed crime as it creates a collective conscience
  • Durkheim identified three positive aspects of crime:
    • Boundary Maintenance (reminding of what is right and wrong)
    • Social Adaptation (crime makes society better, e.g. illegal protests)
    • Social Cohesion (makes people stick together)
  • Examples of boundary maintenance include: the One Love concert after the Manchester bombings, Black Lives Matter movement after the death of George Floyd and the vigil held after the murder of Sarah Everard
  • We can see examples of crime causing social change through: Rosa Parks illegally sitting at the front of the bus, the murder of Sarah which led to Sarah's law and the Stonewall riots which led to the acceleration of LGBTQ+ rights
  • Davis (1937) proposed that crime can act as a safety valve as it releases frustrations (for example, Cohen said that "prostitution performs a safety valve function without threatening the institution of the family")
  • Cohen (1955) said that crime is a warning that an institution is not working properly
  • Erikson (1966) said that society is organised to promote deviance because it is needed- sop the job of the police is to manage it but not get rid of crime completely
  • AO3- Functionalists have been criticised for ignoring the impact on the victim of a crime- it focuses on how crime can reinforce society but not how it damages the victims
  • AO3- Crime does not always promote social solidarity- it can isolate people. For example, Women, the elderly may be scared to leave the house due to high crime rates in their area