Sodom and Gomorrah

Cards (11)

  • Who is Lot's Uncle?
  • How many angels arrive in Sodom?
  • What do the men of Sodom demand?
    They have sex with the angels
  • What does Lot give the men of Sodom?
    His 2 virgin daughters to do whatever they want with
  • What happens to Lot's wife when she looks back to Sodom?
    Turned into a pillar of salt
  • What do Lot's daughters do in the mountain?

    try and get Lot drunk so they can sleep with him and continue the family line
  • Who was David?

    A successful warrior for King Saul
  • Who was King Saul's son?
  • What did Jonathon give David when they formed the covenant?
    His robe, armour, sword, bow and belt
  • What did David say after Jonathon died?
    "Your love to me was more wonderful than the love of women"
  • What did Naomi say to Ruth?
    "Where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Where you die, I will die and there I will be buried"