Czech former war prisoners and antI Bolshevik armies strove to overthrow the Bolsheviks and the greens emerged
who were the reds?
The bolsheviks
Bulk of worker population - numerous peasants and majority of the Russian army
Why did the reds gain support from peasants
hated landlords more than they hated bolsheviks
what was the whites weakness
they were deeply divided as only uniting force was hate for Bolsheviks
Lack coordination
Who were the greens
Peasant forces
White and red deserters
fought to protect their areas
who was the most famous green general
makhno - used guerilla tactics and became Bolshevik ally
what is trotskys role?
Komissar for war
what were the three main gaosl of Trotsky?
Bring back order and discipline to the red army by introducing a hierarchy - leadership was failing and popularity contest so he brings back tsarist officers to their posts - held their families hostage as they were desperate and unemployed - not communist
each unit has a Bolshevik komissar overlooking
brings back military discipline - death penalty for misdemeanours and shot on sight for desertion - fear drives men
what were the positives of Trotsky?
Passionate and organised - he used a train to bring supplies and was active in supporting - weigh up perspectives
Used conscription - motivated the unwilling peasants
painted propoganda on the trains - reds were workers and whites were invaders - visual and easy to understand
what was the uks role in the civil war?
Couldn’t send troops as they didnt want to be embroiled in conflict
sent. 10 million pounds of supplies to white army
Churchill viewed it as a crusade against bolshevism
fearful of threat and spread of communism
what was the french role in the civil war
invested in trains
they had factories in Russia so the most to leave = most anti Bolshevik
sent soldiers
what was the Japanese role in the civil war?
Sent forces to Siberia and Vladivostok
land grab mission
no sides
what was the US role in civil war?
Sent troops to stop Japanese troops
what other countries got involved
Italy, Serbia and Canada sent detachment to support the whites
unenthusiastic and poor response
geographical reasons for the red win
Bolsheviks held central areas = Moscow and Petrograd
Centralised people = more conscription
Resources - railways, network and factories
Only had to defend
geographical reasons the whites lost
limited communication during attacks
no telephone link
fewer people
no aid or supplies
why did reds win - unity and organisation
Clear command and hierarchy
Trotsky organisation effectively
why did the whites lose - unity and organisation
fragmented in aims - SR want assembly and tsarists want tsar
Different command structures
republicans, monarchists and assembly
why did the red leadership let them win?
Lenin kept reds united and backed trotskys controversial tsarist officer policy
Trotsky had great charisma
Trotskys train covered over 100,000 kilometres from front to front
why did white leadership cause their loss?
White command were nepo babies
soldiers were resultingly ill disciplined and had bad morale
Majoirty spent time in brothels and in hazes of vodka and drugs
why did reds politics enable their win?
Support of peasant majority = supplied main body of soldiers
Lenin legitimises land grabs
Stood for revolution and worker paradise
why did white politics lead to their loss?
lacked political program - no appeal or common cause
less support as they wanted tsar return
refusal to recognise independance of minorities was disastrous
if they won land would return to owners - main reason
Why did Foriegn intervention aid the reds?
Allowed Bolshevik Propoganda to illustrate themselves as Russian defenders against Foriegn invaders