Intelligence Background Key concepts

Cards (13)

  • What did Binet develop and believe about intelligence?
    • First to come up with intelligence
    • Asked to devise method in education for students who did not learn effectively from regular classrooms so they could get different work
    • Worked along Simon and developed Binet-Simon test in 1904 and this formed basis of modern IQ tests
  • How is intelligence defined?
    Intelligence consists of:
    • Understanding complex ideas
    • Adapt to environment
    • Learn from experience
    Someone who uses these skills will plan ahead and use their memory
  • Outline G factor
    • Factor analysis studying rel. between cognitive factors & mental ability
    • General intelligence as Spearman said same underlying ability, G - reliable - do well on 1 do well on all
    • High G = reason in abstract ways & learn quickly
    • Also specific intelligence, S
    • Tests of S measure specific skills and abilities in specific areas
    • Ability to behave intelligently on cognitive task depends on combination of G + S
  • What did Cattell believe about intelligence?
    • G is not a single form of intelligence and has 2 main aspects:
    • Fluid intelligence - ability to reason in abstract ways without experience
    • Crystallised intelligence - ability to acquire knowledge through learning and experience e.g. understanding what reading to pass exam
    • Fluid intelligence declines with age while crystallised increases with age
  • What did Caroll believe about intelligence?
    • Further developed notion of intellgience
    3 Stratum model:
    • Overarched by G factor
    • Stratum I - 70 narrow abilities
    • Stratum II - gathered narrow abilities into several broad ability factors
  • Outline multiple intelligence
    • We all have abilities to greater or lesser degree and use them in different ways
    • 8 independent ailities:
    • Verbal linguistic - language
    • Logical mathematical - patterns
    • Bodily kinaesthetic - coordinate
    • Musical - tones
    • Visual spatial - mental image
    • Interpersonal - other’s intention
    • Intrapersonal - yourself
    • Naturalistic - natural world
    • Some intelligences valued more in Western cultures
    • To understand intelligence need to know profile - blend all 8
  • Outline Triarchic theory of intelligence

    • Intelligence - mental capacity directed towards purposive adaptation to selection and shaping of real world environments relative to own life
    • Agreed with Gardner however viewed some intelligences as individual talents instead of intelligence
    • Successful intelligence:
    • Analytical intelligence - evaluate
    • Creative intelligence - ideas
    • Practical intelligence - adapt to changing environment
  • Outline Emotional intelligence
    • Ability to recognise meanings of emotions and reason and problem solving on basis of these things:
    • Self awareness - emotional
    • Self management - self control
    • Relationship management - teamwork, conflict management
  • How do genes affect intelligence?
    • Reviewed reports of over 100 studies comparing concordance rates for different degrees of genetic relationship - 10000 pairs
    • MZ = 0.86
    • DZ = 0.6
    • 40 - 50% variation in IQ scores due to genetic influence, consensus favouring about 50%
    • Review also showed IQ concordance rates for MZ raised apart 0.72, higher than DZ together 0.6
    • Despite being raised in different families MZ twins IQ more similar than DZ together
    • Significant role for inheritability in intelligence & smaller role for environmental factors
  • How does brain size affect intelligence?
    • Head size used as a measure
    • Small correlation between head size and IQ of 0.15
    • Correlation of 0.35 between brain size & IQ
    • Moderate link between brain size and intelligence as brain size is genetically influenced which is evidence of genes and intelligence
  • How do brain areas affect intelligence?
    • Review of 37 brain scan studies
    • Intelligence may be correlated with volumes in the prefrontal cortex, Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area
    • Suggests research looking at specific brain areas might be more useful in understanding the biological basis for intelligence than overall correlation of brain size
  • How do volumes of grey and white matter affect intelligence?
    Grey matter:
    • Density of cells in brain
    • Made up of neurone cell bodies that are important in processing
    White matter:
    • Axons important for communication in neurones
    • More grey and white matter = greater processing capacity and more efficient neuronal communication
    • Higher IQ correlated with higher amounts of grey and white matter in brain
  • How does nutrition affect intelligence?
    • First to identify link in nutrition and IQ
    • IQ increased in most countries since 1930s as improved diet
    • Consistent gain in IQ called Flynn effect
    • Claimed nutrition is biological as affects biological systems
    • Absence of certain nutrients associated with intellectual impairments
    Ming Qian:
    • Dietary deficiency of iodine linked with average decrease in IQ of 22 points in China