Reviewed reports of over 100 studies comparing concordance rates for different degrees of genetic relationship - 10000 pairs
MZ = 0.86
DZ = 0.6
40 - 50% variation in IQ scores due to genetic influence, consensus favouring about 50%
Review also showed IQ concordance rates for MZ raised apart0.72, higher than DZ together 0.6
Despite being raised in different families MZ twins IQ more similar than DZ together
Significant role for inheritability in intelligence & smaller role for environmental factors
How does brain size affect intelligence?
Head size used as a measure
Small correlation between headsize and IQ of 0.15
Correlation of 0.35 between brainsize & IQ
Moderate link between brainsize and intelligence as brain size is genetically influenced which is evidence of genes and intelligence
How do brain areas affect intelligence?
Review of 37 brain scan studies
Intelligence may be correlated with volumes in the prefrontalcortex, Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area
Suggests research looking at specific brain areas might be more useful in understanding the biological basis for intelligence than overall correlation of brain size
How do volumes of grey and white matter affect intelligence?
Grey matter:
Density of cells in brain
Made up of neurone cell bodies that are important in processing
White matter:
Axons important for communication in neurones
More grey and white matter = greaterprocessingcapacity and more efficient neuronal communication
Higher IQ correlated with higher amounts of grey and white matter in brain
How does nutrition affect intelligence?
First to identify link in nutrition and IQ
IQ increased in most countries since 1930s as improved diet
Consistent gain in IQ called Flynneffect
Claimed nutrition is biological as affects biological systems
Absence of certain nutrients associated with intellectualimpairments
Dietary deficiency of iodine linked with average decrease in IQ of 22 points in China