Stalins death

Cards (13)

  • Dies in a manner that fits the atmosphere of terror he’s created
  • 1st march - After a night of drinking he went to sleep
    • Told his bodyguards not to wake him but he didn’t wake up the following day
  • Neither bodyguards were willing to go and see what happened as they were frightened of disturbing him
  • Eventually when they do go in they find him on the carpet conscious but can’t talk and covered in his own urine
    • They dont want to move him in fear of blamed if impacting him
  • They contact Malenkov and Beria who arrive 3am the next morning
    • Both aren’t eager as they’re scared of making decisions
  • Doctors are fearful of being arrested for a us plot or treating him wrong
  • in the end they call his doctor in prison to consult with him
  • members of the presidium ( Polit bureau ) arrive and he dies eventually
  • Stalin dies on the 5th March 1953
  • His death was a shock at the presidium
  • massive outpour of grief in Soviet Union
    • Alike death of tsar - view him as saviour of Soviet Union
  • His body is laid in state and millions came to see it and there was a crowd crush parallels Kandinka fields
  • Stalin was laid next to Lenin’s body in the mausoleum