Power vacuum after death

Cards (13)

  • Christopher Reed : 

    Stalins death left a crucial Stalin shaped hole at the centre of the system
  • cult of personality means no one will live up to him
  • Terror
    • Crushing soviet union - doesn’t encourage initiative and enabling growth
    • most in gulags were bright people that challenged tyranny - not contributing as in camp
    • terror is counter productive
    • prisoners are free labour - feed, house etc
  • Beria knew how much this cost and the amount - head of the MDV - but only told Stalin what he wanted to hear
  • 1953 - 2 million people in gulags
    • They were sent on pointless things
    • 83km of railway being laid for no purpose
  • Cold War :

    • Pick up Soviet Union in disagreement with us
    • Foriegn policy isn’t great
    • All as a result of Stalin
    • Cold War created NATO - anti-soviet union in 1949
  • what is Cold War problem
    Group of hostile countries to Soviet Union
    • Drawn into Korean War and Vietnam to make sure western ideology doesn’t spread and us vice versa
  • scientists and producers made to work on failings arm race instead of industry and agriculture which was desperate
    • vicious circle - more each country spends the other competes
    • to go to war with each other would be mutual destruction
  • Command Economy : 

    • Catch up with west in 10 years
    • They’re in terrible housing and no good etc got worse
    • Result of planning system - target became important and sacrificed everything else - ludicrous
    • Focus is on heavy industry
  • Agriculture needs reform
  • the system :
    • de Tocqueville - moat dangerous moment for a bad government is when it begins to reform
    • problem is how far do we reconstruct
    • people with privelage at the top pick it apart so wont part with comforts and benefits
    • Anybody with connection to Stalin who was involved enabled it so warrants critics
  • whoever follows is never going to win due to stalins system
  • set up for failure