Collective leadership

Cards (10)

  • When Stalin is started to be seen less
    • Five Polit bureau members meet up to talk ideas and met frequently
  • who were the five leading the way after stalins death
    1. Malenkov
    2. Beria
    3. Molotov
    4. Voroshilov
    5. Krushchev
  • They all pledge to collective leadership but a power struggle undermined
  • They cut the presidium down
    • Malenkov becomes prime minister as he’s Stalins number 2 but hes also party secretary as hes got a government and party job
    • Malenkov relinquishes party secretary
  • Malenkov is prime minister
  • beria is interior minister - security
  • molotov is Foriegn minister
  • Voroshilov is head of state - monarch - ceremonial
  • Khrushchev becomes party secretary
  • khrushchev recognises power of the party