Cards (14)

  • makes first running for top job
  • leaves Stalin on deathbed and runs to raid his safes
    • Death warrants and lists and contain signatures of the collective leadership so he can weaponise them against everyone
  • Not particularly well liked
  • Beria knows the gulags aren’t making money
    • to make himself look heroic he suggests reform and releases a million prisoners out of 2 and 1/2
    • short sentenced people = release cash and induce loyalty
  • reverses russification in Ukraine and Baltic states - Lithuania, latvia and Estonia
  • Pushes reforms to east Germany
    • showing west change
    • Leadership in Germany was Stalin placed and dont want to give up power
    • Uprising caused - blame beria
  • Krushchev notes this
  • He controls secret police, bugged them etc
  • Krushchev gets secretly in touch with Zhukov :
    • asks for help to rid Beria
    • Zhukov comes to Moscow secretely
  • 26th June 1953
    • Khrushchev calls a presidium meeting
    • at the meeting of 10 - Krushchev takes lead and accuses Beria of his crimes
    • Khrushchev gets malenkov to second him and vote occurs
    • zhukov had a secret signal and Beria is arrested
  • central committee take their vote and confirm Beria disgrace
  • khrushchev can absolve everyone of responsibility by blaming and scapegoating Beria
  • Beria is denounced in Pravda and accuse him of being a fifth columnist
  • December 23rd 1953
    • Beria is shot