first gen - negative rights, stop state acting in certain way
second gen - positive rights, make state act to ensure people have these things
third gen - new and developing rights, economically developing
civil liberties - rights and freedoms granted by a state through national common or statute law
natural justice - set of principles that ensure fair treatment of people in legal proceedings (due process of law)
unwritten constitution - no single document containing all laws instead acts of parliament, common law decisions and conventions
rule of law - dicey1885 - no punishment without law, no man above the law, judicial decisions of the court protect rights of citizens
separation of powers - 3 functions of state separate to safeguard citizens and prevent dictatorship, executive (formulate), legislative (pass), judiciary (apply and enforce)
parliamentary supremacy - parliament is highest form of law, must be applied by courts
judicial review - courts provide remedy if individuals rights infringed by public body
habeas corpus - ancient right, person in prison must appear before and be judged by a court of law before they can be forced by law to stay in prison
due process - fair treatment through normal judicial system
1215 - magnacarta
1689 - bill of rights
1789 - french declaration of the rights of man
1776 - us Declaration of Independence
1789 - american constitution and us bill of rights
1948 - united nations universal declaration of humanrights