Subdecks (3)

Cards (13)

  • Aims
    • To help patients identify faulty ways of thinking
    • To establish links between feelings and thoughts and their symptoms
    • To reduce stress and improve levels of functioning
    • To mitigate/adapt, not avoid/prevent
  • Regimen
    • Can be in groups, more effective one on one
    • NICE recommends at lease 16 sessions for schizophrenia
  • Normalisation
    Places symptoms like delusions on a continuum of normal behaviour - everyone does this at times
  • Critical Collaborative Analysis (CCA)

    Gentle/empathetic questions to help client question illogical deductions
  • Alternative explanations
    Client is encouraged to develop their own alternative explanation of why they are experiencing their symptoms
  • Therapeutic relationship
    Therapist builds a strong relationship with client to build trust and get over paranoia
  • Motivation
    Therapist and client develop goals and values in order to combat avolition
  • Psychoeducation
    Schizophrenia presents with no insight - patients do not know they have it, so therapist must teach the client about their condition