Cards (3)

  • Research support for family dysfunction
    • Tienari - biological schizophrenic mother with healthy families - 5.8% risk, biological schizophrenic mother with disturbed families - 36.8% risk
    • 'Disturbed' - High EE - suggests that the family types form a part of a diathesis-stress model, triggering the genes to turn on - shows that high EE families act as the stressor
  • Research support for double-bind theory
    • Berger - schizophrenics reported higher recall of double-bind statements by their mothers that non-schizophrenics
    • However, may not be reliable - recall may be affected by schizophrenia
    • Liem - measured pattern of parental communication in families with schizophrenic child, no difference when compared to normal families
  • Socially sensitive
    • Much of the research looks to blame parents for schizophrenia
    • Recent attempts to shift blame away and focus on helping them instead of blaming them for dysfunction
    • We should look at more practical and maintain awareness of social sensitivity