stop and search - s1 pace - police power to stop and search people and vehicles in public places
GO WISELEY - grounds for search, object of search, warrant card, identity officers name, station attended, entitlement to copy of search form, legal power, you
phishing expedition not allowed
s2(3) pace - must state name, station, purpose of search and grounds of suspicious (osman v dpp)
stop and search without reasonable suspicion can occur up to 24 hours in limited area if officer believe serious violence may occur
being kept waiting during stop and search is not deprivation of liberty (roberts v commissioner of met)
s44 terrorism act 2000 - reasonable grounds not required to search suspect
must be reasonable belief act of terrorism will take place (gillan and quinton v uk)
detaining foreign suspects without charge or trial is unlawful, home sec powers gave unlimited restrictions to suspected terrorists 2012 - TPIMS (a and others v uk)
TPIMS - electronic tagging overnight residence equipment, internet with restrictions where they go and meet, foreign travel bans, limited 2 years extended with evidence
stop and question - police have right to stop and question a person
members of public don't have to answer questions (rice v connolly)
cannot be abusive and hostile when questioned (ricketts v cox)
stop and account - police can ask someone to account for their behaviour, actions, possession and presence in area
stops must be recorded and give copy to person stopped unless general information
arrest laws - police and criminal evidence act 1984 PACE and code g
s24 pace - police can arrest anyone committing offence or about to with reasonable grounds to suspect
s28 pace - suspect informed of arrest and grounds of arrest as soon as practicable
a delay of a few hours before being told reason is prompt (christie v leachinsky)
7 hours is acceptable (fox)
s56 pace - suspect has right to inform someone of arrest
s58 - must be told of duty solicitor and has right to consult them privately (r v samuel)
necessity criteria - prevent physical harm, loss of damage to property, offence against public decency, obtain name or address, protect child or vulnerable person, prevent suspect from disappearing
cannot use powers arbitrarily to arrest people who authorities think may offend (shimovolos v russia)
detention time limits - s21-43 pace - charged or released after 24 hours (summary) 36 hours (indictable) 96 hours (mags authorisation)
bail granted by police under pace or mags/crown under bail act 1977
bail conditional or unconditional
s4 pace - bail refused if, already on bail, broken bail, fail to surrender to bail, need custody for protection, commit further crimes if granted