Relationship breakdown

Cards (10)

  • Duck 2007 conducted a longitudinal study and established there were factors that threatened a relationship that were both dispositional and situational.
  • Duck 2007 proposed a phase model of relationship breakdown, suggesting it is a gradual process of distinct phases.
  • The intra psychic phase is where one of the partners becomes dissatisfied with the relationship. They do not tell their partner yet. Social withdrawal and re-evaluation of relationship.
  • The dyadic phase is a discussion of discontents within the relationship and a reassessment of goals, possibilities and commitments.
  • The social phase is where social implications are negotiated and support from third parties is sought out. Breakup is made public.
  • The grave dressing phase is the organisation of post-relationship lives and stories are prepared for different audiences.
  • Supporting evidence for the grave-dressing phase. Tashiro and Frazier 2003 found that individuals feel better about the end of the relationship when they focus on the situation, rather than their own flaws. This is positive as it strengthens the validity of the model and highlights the application of the theory to everyday relationships.
  • Useful applications to relationship therapy. Couples may be advised to use different strategies depending on the phase they are currently in. couples in the intrapsychic phase may be advised to shift their attention to the more positive aspects of their partners personality whereas couples in the dyadic phase will be advised to communicate dissatisfaction and ways to balance relationships. This is positive as it shows Duck’s model can be used to successfully help couples improve their relationships and stay together.
  • Ethical issues. Significant ethical issues may arise when investigating relationship breakdown, such as privacy, especially if research involves victims of domestic abuse. Moreover, issues of confidentiality and protection from psychological harm may arise as participants may experience distress during research. This is problematic as research may go against the BPS ethical code of conduct.
  • Individual differences in relation to the social phase. Dickson 1995 found that friends and relatives typically saw teenage breakups as less serious and wouldn’t put much effort into reconciling partners, however, the ending of relationships in older couples is seen as more distressing and third parties put more effort into reconciliation. This is problematic as Duck’s model won’t apply to all couples and is unable to accurately predict breakdown in different types of relationships.