Sex and the Church

Cards (12)

  • What did the Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael Ramsay, say in defence of legalising homosexuality?

    We should avoid saying sexual sins are worst than other sins, because Christ did not say that. We should also be aware that not all sins are crimes, and should be critical of which sins should be crimes.
  • How many men were imprisoned for homosexual acts in 1954?
  • Why did Derrick Sherwin Bailey advocate for the legalisation of homosexuality?
    Compassion for homosexuals- he believed they had defective families
  • What did Bailey argue about homosexuality?
    It is a sin, but not a crime
  • What year was it legal for men over the age of 21 to practice homosexuality in private?
  • The leaders of which Churches came out in favour of decriminalising homosexuality?
    Church of England, British Roman Catholic Church and the Methodists
  • What did feminists in the 60s and 70s demand?
    Equality at work, freely available contraception and the right to an abortion
  • What year were female priests ordained in the Church of England?
  • In 1998, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, so the only 2 permissible lifestyles are?

    1. Marriage between a man and a woman
    2. Celibacy
  • In 1997, what did the former Bishop of Salisbury say?

    "I cannot see that we, married heterosexual clergy, have a right to deny our homosexual brothers and sisters the potential spiritual blessing of a sexual relationship when we ourselves enjoy that pleasure"
  • What did Pope Francis say about gay people?
    It is no business of his to judge a gay person
  • Jesus had precious little to say about sex, nothing to say about homosexuality, but a lot to say about what?
    forgiveness, mercy and love