DNA Mutation

Cards (21)

  • Mutation may be induce in the form of mutagens
  • Mutagens- are commonly in the form of toxic chemical and radiation
  • Mutation can also happen during mitosis, meiosis and DNA Replication
  • Sex and body cells- type of cells where Mutation occur
  • changing  Nucleotide of sperm of egg cells- way of affecting mutation to affect the reproductive
  • Reproductive cells- cells where Mutation can occur in offspring
  • Gene mutation is permanent in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene
  • Cancer- most known desease in body cell
  • Sex Birth defect- most well known desease in sex cells
  • What happen if mutation occur in blood cells?
    Might be to prevent viruses or parasite to thrive
  • Meiosis- abnormalities in chromosomes structure happen in
  • Chi du chat-  is is a desease that makes the baby cry in a high pitch that sound like a cat
  • Deletion of short arm of chromosomes - cause of chi du chat
  • Down syndrom- this is caused by an additional chromosome 21
  • Edward syndrom- second most common trisomy after down syndrom. It is a trisomy 18
  • 99% - percentage of died in Edward syndrom
  • Jacobsen syndrom- also called terminal 11q deletion disorder
  • Paris-Trousseau- a blessing disorder in terminal 11q deletion disorder
  • Jacobsen- has a characteristics of poor or excessive language skills. Either normal or dumb
  • Klinelfer syndrom- XXY. Men sith this is sterile ans fend to have lonfee arms and legs. They are shy and have speech delay
  • Turner syndrom- insted of XX or XY. It just X. Femele sexual characteristics are undevelope this include short structure, low hairline, abnormal eye feature and bone development and cave in chest