Cards (12)

  • What is the balance of payments?
    A record of international payments over the course of a year
  • What is the trade in goods balance?
    The value of goods exported - the value of goods imported
  • What is the trade in services balance?
    The value of services exported - value of services imported
  • What is the balance of trade?
    The trade in goods balance + the trade in services balance
  • What is the primary balance?
    Earnings of foreign investments - payments made to foreigners
  • What is the secondary balance?
    The transfers in the form of money or goods and services
  • What is the current account?
    The balance of trade + the primary balance + the secondary balance
  • What is a current account surplus?
    When a country's current account is positive
  • What is a current account deficit?
    When a country's current account is negative
  • What are the two main causes of a current account surplus?
    There is a low rate of inflation relative to other countries, and there are low wage costs relative to other countries
  • What are the two main causes of a current account deficit?
    There is a high rate of inflation relative to other countries, and there are high wage costs relative to other countries
  • What are global supply chains?
    Worldwide networks of companies and their suppliers