A period of time spent living away from the family home, e.g, in an orphanage, children's home or hospital. Although there may be adequate physical care provided, there would generally not be any provision of emotional care
The former president of Romania. made, it law that women had 5 children. parents could not afford this so they abandoned chidren at an orphanage. The children experienced privation meaning they never formed attachments.
165 orphans physical, cognitive and emotional development was measured once they were adopted in Britain. This was measured at age H, 6. ll and 15. Alongside a control group of 52 British children adopted at the same time.
Romanian orphans were smaller and malnourished, more likely to be mentally impared. And orphans adopted before o months tend to catch up before the age of 4
Explain Zeanah's study on Romanian Orphans (support for disinhibited attachment)
compared 136 Romanian children lages 1-2.5) who had spent over 90% of their Life in an institution to Romanian children who had never been in an institution. He found that institutionalised children are more likely to have disinhibited attachment
If children were given more time to adjust to Life in britain, they would have shown greater evidence of recovery. Longer research into 20's would have shown f institutionalisation was reversable