clones in plants

Cards (6)

  • tissue culture
    • growing new tissues, organs or plants from certain tissues cut from from sample plants
  • micro propagation
    • growing large numbers of plants from meristem tissue taken from a sample plant
  • cuttings
    • to make a cutting a stem is cut between two leaf joints (nodes)
    • the cut end of the stem is then placed in soil where new roots will grow from the tissues in the stem
    • dipping the stem in rooting hormone helps to stimulate root growth
    • this produces large numbers of plants quickly
    • cuttings can also be made from roots, dormant twigs and leaves.
  • micro propagation
    1. cells taken from shoot (called explant)
    2. cells sterilised before being placed onto nutrient medium
    3. explants placed on sterile growth medium. Forms a callus cultured divided to produce lots of small clumps or undifferentiated cells
    4. transferred to a new agar medium - plantlets grow
    5. plantlets are transferred into compost
  • Advantages
    • Rapid compared to growing from seeds
    • Disease free plants
    • Increase number of rare plants
    • Large numbers of seedless plants
    • Naturally infertile plants can be grown
  • Disadvantages
    • Monoculture - genetically identical - susceptible to same diseases
    • Expensive and requires skilled workers
    • Explains and plantlets are vulnerable to mould during the process
    • if source materials infected with a virus, all new plants are infected