developement and learning

Cards (66)

  • What is a cross-sectional study?
    Research comparing different ages at one time
  • What is a longitudinal study?
    Research following and retesting the same people
  • What does lifespan refer to in development?
    Duration of an individual's life from birth to death
  • What is the focus of stability vs change in development?
    Which traits persist and how we age
  • What does nature vs nurture examine?
    Interaction of genetics and experiences in development
  • What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous development?
    Gradual changes versus abrupt stage changes
  • What is a teratogen?
    Agents causing harm during prenatal development
  • What is reflex rooting?
    A reflex that helps infants find food
  • What is the visual cliff apparatus used for?
    Testing depth perception in infants
  • What is a critical or sensitive period?

    A time when development is most susceptible
  • What is the adolescent growth spurt?
    Rapid physical growth during puberty
  • What is puberty?
    The period of sexual maturation
  • What are primary sex characteristics?
    Body structures for sexual reproduction
  • What are secondary sex characteristics?
    Non-reproductive traits like breasts and body hair
  • What is menarche?
    The first menstrual period
  • What is spermarche?
    The first ejaculation
  • What is menopause?
    The natural cessation of menstruation
  • Who is Piaget?
    A psychologist known for cognitive development theory
  • Who is Vygotsky?
    A psychologist known for social development theory
  • What is the sensorimotor stage?
    Development stage from birth to 2 years
  • What is the preoperational stage?
    Stage where children learn language but lack logic
  • What is the formal operational stage?
    Stage where abstract thinking begins around age 12
  • What is the concrete operational stage?
    Stage where children think logically about concrete events
  • What is object permanence?
    The awareness that objects exist when not seen
  • What is conservation in cognitive development?
    Understanding that properties remain the same despite changes
  • What is reversibility in cognitive development?
    Concepts can be reversed, like addition and subtraction
  • What is animism in child development?
    Belief that inanimate objects have human emotions
  • What is egocentrism in child development?
    Difficulty in seeing another's point of view
  • What is theory of mind?
    Understanding one's own and others' mental states
  • What is scaffolding in education?
    Temporary support for developing higher thinking
  • What is the zone of proximal development?
    The gap between what a learner can and can't do
  • What is crystallized intelligence?
    Knowledge accumulated over time and experience
  • What is fluid intelligence?
    Ability to solve new problems and think abstractly
  • What is dementia?
    A decline in cognitive function
  • What are phonemes?
    Basic sounds in language
  • What are morphemes?
    Smallest units of language with meaning
  • What is grammar?
    Rules governing the structure of language
  • What is semantics?
    Meaning of words in language
  • What is syntax?
    Arrangement of words in a sentence
  • What is the cooing stage?
    Stage of vocalization at 3 months