
Cards (42)

  • What is ethnicity defined as?
    Something that an individual can achieve and express to others which involves culture, descent and sense of identity
  • Francais and Archer argue that ethnicity is linked to what?
    family values
  • Dench said ethnic groups, and what were linked?

    family types
  • Who said that tradition, religion, and family values played important parts in raising second-generation children in the UK?

  • What is a cultural comfort zone?

    friendships, which are formed with people from the same ethnic groups as they feel comfortable sharing the same norms and values
  • Who believed cultural comfort zones strengthened ethnic identities?

  • What did Alexander explore within black friendship groups?

    There was an emphasis on "being black," which made members of the peer group adopt stereotypical behaviours to be accepted within
  • What did Jacobson find when researching Pakistanis?

    He found that they were adopting Muslim identities as a response to social exclusion
  • What did Jhally find in the media?

    ethnic minorities were being underrepresented and stereotyped.
  • Jhally found that ethnic minorities who were underrepresented and stereotyped within the media led to what?
    Self-fulfilling prophecy and retreatism to an individual ethnic group
  • Parker and Song found what on dating websites?
    Websites targeted specific ethnic groups, which strengthened their ethnic identities as they shared their culture with one another
  • Coard found that many schools were what?

    ethnocentric, which strengthened white British identities.
  • Sewell found that teachers labelled different ethnic groups differently, which group was labelled as lazy?

    Black boys
  • Song found links between ethnicity and what?

    certain jobs
  • Modood et al found that certain ethnic groups were more likely to experience what?

    unemployment and discrimination
  • What did Johal and Bains find?

    They found that people have dual identities, and they changed their identities depending on who they were with (white masking)
  • What does the term dual identities refer to?

    People who have a number of different identities that they switch between depending on who they are with and where they are
  • Which sociologists talked about people hiding their true ethnic identities?
    Johal & Bains
  • What do people with dual identities adopt to fit in (Johal & Bains) ?
    white masks
  • Butler found that muslim women had both?
    Western and traditionally religious values
  • Which sociologist found "white wannabees" in their study?
  • Gilory found that black identies have merged into one culture because of shared racism from white people
  • Gilory called the homogeneity in black culture the what identity?
    Black Atlantic
  • Back found that there was "neighbourhood nationalism" in council estates
  • The term neighbourhood nationalism means?
    When people in the same area share the same norms and values even if they are different ethnicities
  • Globalisation has allowed a spread in culture
  • Patterson argued that people would eventually what?
    Dissimilate (change) in to the main culture of a country
  • Who stated that asain boys were losing their ethnic identies to fit in with white culture?
  • Modood found that ethnic identities became weaker over generations
  • Which Sociologist that you have studied belive in hybrid idenities?
    • Butler (muslim women)
    • Nayak (white wannabes)
    • Gilory (black atlantic)
    • Back (neighbourhood nationalism)
  • Which sociologists belive people are losing their original idenities?
    • Patterson (people dissimilate)
    • Burdsey (asain boys want to fit in)
    • Modood (culture loss over generations)
  • Which sociologists claim that education keeps ethnic identites traditional and signficant?
    1. Coard (ethnocentric)
    2. Sewell (different ethnic groups are labelled differently)
  • Who specifically said that different ethnic groups were lablled differently in reference to black boys?
  • Which sociologist claimed that British identities were reinforced within the ethnocentric curriculum?
  • Which 3 sociologist claimed that the family kept ethnic identities significant and traditional?
    1. Francis & Archer (family values)
    2. Dench (family types eg extended families)
    3. Ghumman (tradition, religion and family values)
  • Which 3 sociologists claimed that the media kept ethnic identities significant and traditional?

    1. Jhally (stereotyped and underrepresented)
    2. Parker & Song (dating websites strengthen ethnic identites)
    3. Gillespie (Bollywood strenghten asain identities)
  • Which 3 sociologists claimed that peers kept ethnic identities significant and traditional?
    1. Sewell (cultural comfort zones)
    2. Alaxander (importance on "being black")
    3. Jacobson (Pakistanis adopt muslim identites)
  • Which 2 sociologists claimed that work kept ethnic identities significant and traditional?
    1. Modood et al (some experience more discrimination & unemployment)
    2. Song (link between job type and ethnicity)
  • Which sociologists talk about losing culture?
    A) Patterson
    B) Burdsey
    C) Modood
  • Why do Francais & Archer believe family values are linked to ethnicity?
    because of evidence that found British Chinese Families placed higher values on educational success which is passed on to their children