Psychodynamic approach: A perspective that describes the different forces (dynamics), most of which are unconscious, that operate on the mind and direct human behaviour and experience.
The unconscious: The part of the mind we are unaware of but which directs most of our behaviour.
Id: Entirely unconscious, made up of selfish aggressive instincts that demand immediate gratification.
Ego: The reality check that balances the conflicting demands of the Id and superego.
Superego: The moralistic part of our personality which represents our ideal self, how we were taught to be.
Defence mechanisms: Unconcious strategies that the ego uses to manage the conflict between the id and superego.
Psychosexual stages: Five developmental stages that all children pass through. At each stage there is a different conflict which determines future development.
What are the psychosexual stages?
Oral (0-1 years)
Anal (1-3 years)
Phallic (3-6 years)
Oral stage:
Focus of pleasure is in the mouth.
Consequence= Oral fixation e.g. smoking, biting nails, being sarcastic.
Anal stage:
Focus of pleasure is in the anus.
Consequence= Anal retentive e.g. perfectionist. Anal expulsive e.g messy
Phallic stage:
Focus of pleasure is in genital area.
Consequence= Phallic personality e.g narcissistic
Latency stage:
Earlier conflicts are repressed.
Genital stage:
Sexual desires become conscious alongside onset of puberty.