Working memory model

Cards (5)

  • Working memory model: A representation of short-term memory. It suggests that STM is a dynamic processor of different types of information using subunits co-ordinated by a central decision-making system.
  • Central executive: The component of the WMM that co-ordinates the activities of three sub-systems in memory. It also allocates processing resources to those activities.
  • Phonological loop:
    • Deals with auditory information and preserves the order in which it arrives.
    • Phonological store: Stores the words you hear.
    • Articulatory process: Allows maintenance rehearsal.
  • Visio-spatial sketchpad:
    • Stores visual/spatial info.
    • Visual cache: Stores visual data.
    • Inner scribe: Records arrangement of objects in the visual field.
  • Episodic buffer:
    • Temporary store of information.
    • Intergrates info from other stores, recording episodes.
    • Can be seen as the storage component of the CE.
    • Links WM to LTM