Does the Media Create Crime?

Cards (8)

  • There is a concern that media content has a negative impact on the behaviour of young people, especially children
  • Some people may copy the behaviours that go against norms and values that are portrayed by the media
  • The media are seen as a very powerful secondary agent of socialisation and it can produce the copycat effect (where children copy what they see)
  • Lots of studies have shown that there is a link between media and crime - it can increase aggressive behaviour in everyday life
  • It is estimated that by the time American children are 18, on television, they would have seen:
    • roughly 16,000 real and fictional murders
    • roughly 200,000 acts of violence
  • Media violence is blamed for increasing the amount of crime and violence in society
  • Craig Anderson (1952) showed that violence in the media increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behaviour, short and long term
  • Researchers like Ferguson challenge that violence from video games harms children - they believe that they only harm children when they are at higher risk (such as mental health issues/those more vulnerable) and those that get addicted - continuous playing can lead to them having aggressive and violent behaviour