a process by which economies and cultures have been drawn deeper together and have become more inter-connected through global networks of trade, capital flows, and spread of technology and global media.
Key benefit of globalisation?
Allows businesses and countries to specialise in producing goods and services where they have a comparative advantage.
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
An investment made by a firm or individual in one country into business interests located in another country
process of deeper economic integration between countries and regions of the world.
Transnational company
Transnational businesses (TNCs) base their manufacturing, assembly, research and retail operations in a number of countries.
Open economy
An economy with low tariff and non-tariff barriers which is deeply integrated into the regional and global economy and where the value of trade measured as a share of GDP is rising
Closed economy
An economy operating without imports and exports – i.e. closed to global trade and also with barriers to inflows and outflows of foreign investment
Main characteristics of globalisation
Increased interconnectedness
Rapid technological advancements
Greater cultural exchange
Growing environmental awareness
Factors that have contributed to globalisation
Technological change
Economies of scale
Differences in tax systems
Less protectionism
Growth strategies of transnational and multinational companies