offshoring & reshoring

Cards (7)

  • What is offshoring
    s the relocation of business activities from the home country to a different international location. It is the changed international location of where the business activity is performed that is key to understanding offshoring.
  • The Difference between Offshoring and Outsourcing
    • Offshoring is about WHERE the work is done
    • Outsourcing is about WHO does the work
  • Key Reasons for Offshoring
    • To access potentially better skilled & higher quality supply
    • To makes use of existing capacity overseas
    • To take advantage of free trade areas and avoid protectionism
    • To make it easier to supply target international markets (where it is important to be located in, or near to, those markets)
  • Drawbacks to Offshoring
    • Longer lead times for supply & risks of poorer quality
    • Implications for CSR (harder to control aspects of operating long distances away from the home country)
    • Additional management costs (time, travel)
    • Impact of exchange rates (potentially significant)
    • Communication: language & time zones
  • Reshoring
    reverse of offshoring. it involves a business returning production or operations to the host country that had previously been moved to a different international location
  • Key reasons for reshoring
    • Greater certainty around delivery times
    • Minimising risk of supply chain disruptions
    • Reducing the complexity of the supply chain
    • Making it easier to collaborate with home-based suppliers
    • Getting greater certainty about the quality of inputs and components
    • Recognising that the cost advantage of producing or sourcing overseas is not as significant as it used to be
  • Outsourcing
    The transfer of business functions from being done within the business to be provided by a supplier