Gas exchange in plants

Cards (57)

  • What are flowering plants called?
  • What are the two main groups of angiosperms?
    Dicotyledons and monocotyledons
  • What is the main organ for gas exchange in plants?
    The leaf
  • What is the function of the cuticle in plants?
    Reduces water loss
  • What is the role of the upper and lower epidermis in leaves?
    Protection and light penetration
  • What is the function of palisade mesophyll?
    Maximizes light absorption
  • What is the role of spongy mesophyll in leaves?
    Gas exchange for respiration and photosynthesis
  • What does xylem transport?
    Water and ions
  • What does phloem transport?
    Carbon compounds
  • What is the function of bundle sheath cells?
    Support and protection to vascular tissue
  • What are stomatal pores used for?
    Gas exchange with the environment
  • How do guard cells function in relation to stomata?
    Control opening and closing of stomata
  • What happens to stomata during the day?
    They open for photosynthesis
  • What occurs at night regarding stomata?
    Only respiration takes place
  • What is a consequence of open stomata during the day?
    Increased water loss due to evaporation
  • What are stomata?
    Gaps between guard cells
  • What is the structure of guard cells?
    Different from other epidermal cells
  • What do guard cells contain?
  • What is unique about the cell wall of guard cells?
    Thicker inner wall than outer wall
  • What is one mechanism of stomatal opening?
    Photosynthesis in guard cells produces ATP
  • What happens to potassium ions during stomatal opening?
    They are actively transported into guard cells
  • What is the effect of increased K+ and malate ions in guard cells?
    Lower water potential in guard cells
  • What causes water to move into guard cells?
    Osmosis due to lower water potential
  • How do guard cells expand?
    Absorb water in thinner cell wall areas
  • What happens when guard cells expand?
    A pore opens between the cells
  • How are stomata arranged in dicots?
    Randomly, reflecting vascular bundles
  • How are stomata arranged in monocots?
    In parallel lines, reflecting vascular bundles
  • What are the differences in stomatal opening mechanisms between dicots and monocots?
    • Stomata in dicots open randomly
    • Stomata in monocots open in parallel lines
    • Guard cell wall thickening differs
  • What do plants need to generate energy constantly?
    Plants need to respire all the time
  • What do chloroplasts in plant cells do?
    Chloroplasts are capable of photosynthesis
  • How is carbon dioxide managed in plants?
    Most diffuses into leaves and out into air
  • What happens to the oxygen produced by photosynthesis?
    Most diffuses out of the plant
  • When do plants respire?
    Plants respire only at night
  • Where does gas exchange primarily take place in plants?
    Gas exchange takes place at the leaves
  • What is the gas exchange pattern during the day and night?
    • Day: CO₂ in, O₂ out (photosynthesis)
    • Night: O₂ in, CO₂ out (respiration)
  • What is the relationship between the rates of photosynthesis and respiration?
    Photosynthesis rate is faster than respiration
  • What is the net gas exchange during the day?
    Net exchange is oxygen
  • What happens at night regarding gas exchange?
    No oxygen is produced, excess CO₂ accumulates
  • What are the main structures involved in gas exchange in leaves?
    • Cuticle
    • Upper epidermis
    • Palisade mesophyll
    • Spongy mesophyll
    • Lower epidermis
    • Stomata
    • Guard cells
  • How do gases diffuse through the stomata?
    Gases diffuse down a concentration gradient