Argued that 1st degree family not enough to uncover genetic effects on intelligence + separate from environment
Can identify genetic influence when doing MZtwin studies - estimate 25 - 50%
Validity relies on:
Phenotypicassortment - mating w/ partners similar intelligence
Socialhomogamy - relationships w/ ppl share similar environment so similar intelligence
Assumed parents level of intelligence little or no role in environment provided for child
More likely parents provide child w/ environments that match their own genotype - culturaltransmission
What were the aims?
If previous 2 assumptions incorrect then results of twin studies could be biased - heritability over or underestimated
Twin study can be extended to include parents & siblings of MZ and DZ twins - 2 generations
Carry out extendedtwin study that considers assumptions usually overlooked
Test which of 2 models is a better explanation of variation in IQ scores - phenotypicassortment or socialhomogamy
Investigate whether genotype or environment affects intelligence more
Calculate unbiasedheritabilityestimate for IQ
What was the method?
Twinfamily design
Correlation of IQs of twins, siblings and parents
What was the sample?
Letter to 214 Dutch families inviting them to take part
Selected from Netherlands Twin Registry - secondary data
Contacted by phone after letter
112 families agreed to take part
Signed consent forms
Children received a gift
48 MZ twins, 64 DZ twins
What were the materials?
Intelligence tests at Uni of Amsterdam - high external reliability and high validity as test already validated
Raven's StandardProgressiveMatrices
AdvancedProgressiveMatrices - more difficult version to avoid ceiling effect - construct validity
Both tests provide score indicating general intelligence (Spearman)
What was the procedure?
Completed tests in groups in separate rooms - control as avoid external influence
Took 5 hours including breaks
Twin status established by parents taking cheekswabs at home from themselves and their children
Used genetictesting technique to determine zygosity using standardised methods - reliability and science as objective
2 twin pairs had a questionnaire instead - ethics - respect
What were the findings?
Rasch model analysed results of IQ tests:
Correlations on scores of IQ higher for MZ twins than for siblings, parents and DZ
No statistically significant sex differences
Correlation of IQ level between couples was significant, suggesting individuals more likely to mate with people of similar intelligence
Environmental factors found to be more important for children with genetic disposition of low IQ - genes and environment influence each other
Genetics account for 67% of intelligence and remainder by randomenvironmental factors
What were the conclusions?
Biological factors affect intelligence
Individual differences in intelligence can be explained by transmission of genes and culturaltransmission from parents no effect
Genes interact with environmental factors to influence intelligence in significant ways
No indication intelligentparents provide stimulating environments to promote children's IQ and children with a predisposed high IQ seek out stimulating environment and low IQ will not