Van Leeuwen

Cards (8)

  • What was the background?
    • Argued that 1st degree family not enough to uncover genetic effects on intelligence + separate from environment
    • Can identify genetic influence when doing MZ twin studies - estimate 25 - 50%
    Validity relies on:
    • Phenotypic assortment - mating w/ partners similar intelligence
    • Social homogamy - relationships w/ ppl share similar environment so similar intelligence
    • Assumed parents level of intelligence little or no role in environment provided for child
    • More likely parents provide child w/ environments that match their own genotype - cultural transmission
  • What were the aims?
    • If previous 2 assumptions incorrect then results of twin studies could be biased - heritability over or underestimated
    • Twin study can be extended to include parents & siblings of MZ and DZ twins - 2 generations
    1. Carry out extended twin study that considers assumptions usually overlooked
    2. Test which of 2 models is a better explanation of variation in IQ scores - phenotypic assortment or social homogamy
    3. Investigate whether genotype or environment affects intelligence more
    4. Calculate unbiased heritability estimate for IQ
  • What was the method?
    • Twin family design
    • Correlation of IQs of twins, siblings and parents
  • What was the sample?
    • Letter to 214 Dutch families inviting them to take part
    • Selected from Netherlands Twin Registry - secondary data
    • Contacted by phone after letter
    • 112 families agreed to take part
    • Signed consent forms
    • Children received a gift
    • 48 MZ twins, 64 DZ twins
  • What were the materials?
    • Intelligence tests at Uni of Amsterdam - high external reliability and high validity as test already validated
    • Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices
    • Advanced Progressive Matrices - more difficult version to avoid ceiling effect - construct validity

    • Both tests provide score indicating general intelligence (Spearman)
  • What was the procedure?
    • Completed tests in groups in separate rooms - control as avoid external influence
    • Took 5 hours including breaks
    • Twin status established by parents taking cheek swabs at home from themselves and their children
    • Used genetic testing technique to determine zygosity using standardised methods - reliability and science as objective
    • 2 twin pairs had a questionnaire instead - ethics - respect
  • What were the findings?
    • Rasch model analysed results of IQ tests:
    • Correlations on scores of IQ higher for MZ twins than for siblings, parents and DZ
    • No statistically significant sex differences
    • Correlation of IQ level between couples was significant, suggesting individuals more likely to mate with people of similar intelligence
    • Environmental factors found to be more important for children with genetic disposition of low IQ - genes and environment influence each other
    • Genetics account for 67% of intelligence and remainder by random environmental factors
  • What were the conclusions?
    • Biological factors affect intelligence
    • Individual differences in intelligence can be explained by transmission of genes and cultural transmission from parents no effect
    • Genes interact with environmental factors to influence intelligence in significant ways
    • No indication intelligent parents provide stimulating environments to promote children's IQ and children with a predisposed high IQ seek out stimulating environment and low IQ will not