Exam question

Cards (13)

  • What structures in fish provide a large surface area for gas exchange?
    Gill filaments and lamellae
  • How does the blood supply in bony fish affect gas exchange?
    It maintains a steep concentration gradient
  • Why are the gills of bony fish thin?
    To reduce the diffusion pathway for gases
  • What happens when the mouth of a fish opens?
    It lowers the buccal cavity, increasing volume
  • What is the effect of increasing volume in the buccal cavity?
    It decreases pressure, forcing water in
  • What ventilation mechanism do bony fish use to maximize oxygen uptake?
    Counter-current flow ventilation mechanism
  • How does the counter-current flow mechanism work?
    Water and blood flow in opposite directions
  • What is the benefit of the counter-current flow mechanism?
    It maintains a steep concentration gradient
  • What type of gills do axolotls have?
    External gills
  • How do axolotls ventilate their gills?
    By contracting body muscles/movement
  • What is parallel flow in terms of fish respiration?
    Blood and water move in the same direction
  • What is the maximum oxygen uptake efficiency of parallel flow?
    50% maximum of oxygen uptake
  • How does the oxygen uptake of bony fish compare to parallel flow?
    Bony fish achieve 80% maximum uptake