Book 8

Cards (57)

  • What is the name of the site upon which Rome will be built?
  • Where are Evander, Pallas and their people from originally?
    Arcadia, Greece
  • What causes confusion at the beginning of Book 8?
    Turnus 'raised the flag of war' + 'clashed his sword on his shield'
  • Who are the great leaders of Latium mentioned at the start of Book 8?
    • Messapus
    • Ufens
    • Mezentius
  • What are Messepus, Ufens and Mezentius doing at the start of Book 8?
    'Stripping the fields of those who tilled them' to recruit them for battle
  • Who is sent to Argos and why at the start of Book 8?
    • Venulus
    • To ask Diomede for help against the Trojans
  • Why would Diomede help the Latins in Book 8?
    He has fought Aeneas before -> he hates Aeneas + would probably help the Latins kill him
  • How is Aeneas feeling at the start of Book 8?
    'Great tides of grief flowed in his heart' + 'his thoughts moved swiftly' -> he is greatly conflicted + panicked but calm
  • Which god comes to Aeneas in his sleep in Book 8?
    The River Tiber -> he wears a 'blue-green' cloak of 'fine-spun flax' + 'dark reeds' in his hair
  • What does Tiber say to Aeneas in his dream in Book 8?
    • "This is the home that is decreed for you"
    • "All the angry passions of the gods are now spent"
    • "Ascanius will found the city of Alba, white in name and bright in glory"
    • "Offer due prayers to Juno and overcome her angry threats with vows and supplications"
  • What value does Aeneas show towards Tiber?
  • What was the prophecy that Tiber gave Aeneas in Book 8?
    Aeneas will see a white sow with 30 white piglets beneath ilex trees on a shore
    • This means that in 30 years, Ascanius will found Alba
  • How does Evander show pietas in Book 8?
    • Performing 'yearly rites' to honour Hercules
    • Sacrificing to gods in a grove outside of the city
  • What foreshadows the Roman political system in Book 8?
    Pallas is with senators -> shows that Rome has strong political roots
  • How does Pallas show bravery in Book 8?
    • Tells his companions not to fear the approaching ships + not disturb their 'holy feast'
    • Calls out to ships asking where they are from + where they are going, and if they bring 'peace or war'
  • What does Pallas tell Aeneas after the Trojans moore?
    "Come as a guest into our house"
  • What virtues does Aeneas show towards Evander when they first meet?
    • Virtus
    • Friendship/allyship
    • Family values
    • Military strength
    • PIETAS
  • What does Evander do while Aeneas speaks to him for the first time?
    "Gazing at his face and his eyes and his whole body"
    • Sizing Aeneas up
    • Telling the reader he is impressive to look at
  • What does Evander offer Aeneas at the start of Book 8 and why?
    • Xēnia (by extension)
    • They have family connections -> Evander used to know Anchises
  • What does Evander give the Trojans to eat?
    The backbone + entrails of a sacrificial ox
  • What story does Evander tell the Trojans at the feast?
    The story of Hercules and Cacus
  • What is the literary technique used when Evander tells the Trojans Hercules + Cacus' story?
  • What is the story of Hercules + Cacus?
    • Cacus, son of Vulcan, killed many men + stole from the people of Italy
    • Cacus steals Hercules' bulls + heifers (dragged them back in reverse to his cave = to not leave hoof prints)
    • Hercules' remaining cows start lowing + one cow in Cacus' cave responds
    • Hercules angrily runs to the cave but he can't get in
    • He eventually unroofs the cave + kills Cacus
  • Why do the Latins worship Hercules?
    He saved them from Cacus
  • What are the priests of Mars called?
    The Salii
  • What was Zeus' reign over the earth called?
    The Golden Age
    • Destroyed by 'madness of war' + 'lust for possessions'
  • What did Evander do that parallels Aeneas in Book 8?
    • He was 'driven' from his 'native land'
    • "Fortune, that no man can resist, and Fate, that no man can escape, set me here in this place"
  • Who is Carmentis?
    • Evander's mother
    • Fordyce: primative Italian deity -> still worshipped in Virgil's time
    • Goddess of prophecy + childbirth
  • What was the Lupercal?
    • Ancient Roman festival
    • Fordyce: young noblemen dressed up in goatskin, striking bystanders with goatskin whips
    • Lupercalia rites
  • Where is Evander's home in Virgil's Rome? Why?
    • Roman Forum + Carinae district (VERY expensive part of Rome)
    • Even though his home is 'humble', he has lasting virtuous influence
  • What is the parallel between Aeneas + Hercules?
    • Hercules was also hated by Juno
    • Hercules saved the Latins
  • Why is Evander made so humble?
    • His home is 'poor' + 'humble'
    • BUT, he builds lots of extravagant temples for the gods
    • He is supposed to parallel Augustus -> little material wealth unless it is for the gods = PIETAS
    • Augustus doesn't want to look wealthy and king-like because of what happened to Caesar
  • What does Venus do for Aeneas in Book 8 and why?
    • Seduces her husband, Vulcan, into agreeing to make Aeneas divine armour + shield
    • Parallel with Book 18 of Iliad
  • What is the suggested role of women in Book 8?
    • "So she can keep her husband's bed chaste and bring her young sons to manhood"
    • Women = homemakers + mothers -> live to serve husband/children
  • What else are the cyclopes forging in the caverns of Vulcan?
    • Jupiter's thunderbolt
    • Attached 3 shafts of lashing rain, heavy rainclouds, glowing fire + south wind to it
    • Athene's armour -> aegis with snakes, golden scales + the Gorgon
    • Mars' wing-wheeled chariot
  • What does Vulcan tell the cyclopes?
    To build Aeneas' armour + shield, prioritising it over the gods' weaponry
  • What does Evander do before meeting Pallas + Aeneas in Book 8?
    • He is awoken by the sun + birds chirping
    • He puts on his 'tunic' + 'bound Etruscan sandals on the soles of his feet'
    • More humble motifs
  • What does Evander tell Aeneas to reinstate his faith in the Trojans?
    • "I shall never accept that Troy and its kingdom are defeated"
    • "Fate was calling you when you came to this place"
  • Who was the previous king of Etruria?
  • Why did everyone hate Mezentius?
    • He was cruel
    • He would kill people by tying them to decaying corpses (mouth to mouth) until they too succumbed to disease