Plasticity and Functional recovery

Cards (54)

  • What did Lazar et al (2005) find about experienced meditators?
    They have a thicker cortex than non-meditators
  • What was the outcome of Holzel et al (2011) study on participants who took an 8-week mindfulness course?
    Increase in grey matter in left hippocampus
  • What did Tang et al (2012) discover about meditation's effect on the anterior cingulate cortex?
    It increased white matter associated with self-regulation
  • What does the term 'plasticity' refer to in the context of the brain?
    The brain's ability to change due to experience
  • How did the perception of brain plasticity change over time?
    It was once thought fixed, now known to change
  • What are the two potential outcomes of brain plasticity mentioned in the study material?
    Improvement through training or decline through abuse
  • What did Davidson et al (2004) find about Tibetan monks during meditation?
    More gamma ray activity linked to wellbeing
  • What did Maguire et al (2006) discover about London cab drivers?
    They had more grey matter in the hippocampus
  • What was the outcome of Rosenzweig et al (1972) study on rats?
    Enriched rats had greater neuron activity
  • What did Kuhn et al (2014) find regarding players of Super Mario 64?
    Increased grey matter in spatial navigation areas
  • What are the implications of plasticity research for neurorehabilitation?
    • Understanding aids recovery strategies
    • Movement therapy for stroke victims
    • Electrical brain stimulation techniques
  • What negative effects of plasticity were mentioned in the study material?
    Prolonged marijuana use leads to cognitive decline
  • What is phantom limb syndrome thought to be caused by?
    Reorganization of the somatosensory cortex
  • What does plasticity refer to in the brain?
    • Ability to change and adapt
    • Response to experience, learning, or injury
    • Involves forming new neural pathways
  • What is the significance of the term 'plasticity' in neuroscience?
    It indicates the brain's adaptability
  • At what age did Jodie Miller start having seizures?
    Three years old
  • What was the frequency of Jodie Miller's seizures?
    Sometimes every 3 minutes
  • What did the doctors consider doing to stop Jodie Miller's seizures?
    Completely removing the right hemisphere
  • What happened to Jodie Miller's right hemisphere after surgery?
    It was replaced by fluid
  • What was the outcome of Jodie Miller's surgery?
    It successfully stopped the seizures
  • What topic will the video explore after introducing Jodie Miller's case?
    Brain plasticity and functional recovery
  • What is brain plasticity?
    The brain's ability to modify structure and function
  • Why do children have a more plastic brain?
    They can change and adapt more easily
  • What happens to synaptic connections in the brain during early development?
    Rapid growth in the number of connections
  • What is the significance of life experiences for brain plasticity?
    They help develop and strengthen nerve pathways
  • What are the four pieces of psychological research demonstrating brain plasticity?
    1. Research by Rosezweig et al. on rats
    2. Study of London taxi drivers
    3. Research on video game players
    4. Study of novice golfers
  • What did Kerman et al. (1997) study in rats?
    How different environments change their brains
  • What was the outcome for rats in a complex environment?
    Increased number of new neurons
  • What part of the brain showed increased neurons in the rats?
    The hippocampus
  • Why is the research on rats considered limited?
    Humans have more complex behaviors
  • What is "The Knowledge" for London taxi drivers?
    A test on navigating London streets
  • What did Maguire et al. (2000) find about London taxi drivers' brains?
    Larger posterior hippocampus compared to controls
  • What does the term "posterior" refer to in brain anatomy?
    The back part of the brain
  • What was the correlation found in the study of taxi drivers?
    More experience correlated with larger hippocampus
  • What cognitive skills are enhanced by playing video games?
    Spatial navigation and strategic planning
  • What did Kuhn et al (2014) find after participants played Super Mario?
    Increased gray matter in several brain areas
  • What is the purpose of an fMRI scan?
    To scan brain activity during tasks
  • What was the result of the golf study by Bol Ral (2012)?
    Reduced activity in the motor cortex
  • What does reduced activity in the motor cortex suggest?
    Brain pathways became more efficient
  • What are the three processes involved in functional recovery after brain trauma?
    1. Axonal sprouting
    2. Neuronal unmasking
    3. Recruitment of homologous areas