" his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen"
" rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky"
In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah says, "it is he who has made you successors upon the earth"
Abuse of the world
" the earth is the lord, and everything in it"
" God made the word and gave duty of stewardship to humans"
“The true servants of the Most Compassionate are those who walk on the earthhumbly” (25:63). Islam directs us to act as khalifas or caretakers of this planet.
Use Of animals
"Everything that lives and moves will be food for you"
"so god created mankind in his own image"
the duty to care for each other
Origins of the universe
Charles Darwin
theory of evolution "survival of the fittest"
a theory that humans evolved over millions of years , suit their surroundings
natural selection
animals with the most valuable qualities are the ones most likely to survives
challenges religion as God formed all different species
pro choice (choice to abort or not)
women can get raped
defends women health
to prevent grave injury on the mothers body
in Islam a fetus receive a soul at 17 weeks
legally, in uk you can abort before 24 weeks
Quotes against abortion
"every single child is a miracle and gift"
"before i formed you in the womb, i knew you"
"it will never become human if it were nit human already"
" all human life is precious, a scaredgift from allah"
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The world is beautiful and verdant, and verily God, the exalted, has made you His stewards in it, and He sees how you acquit yourselves”
Although the earth is created to serve the purposes of man, it should never be degraded in any way – contaminated or immoderately exploited. Its resources are available to humanity, but are to be used in ways that are sustainable and without harmful impact to the environment and the ecological balance. The Quran tells us, “The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who walk gently upon the earth…” (Quran 25:63).
Islamic teachings oppose using resources in excess or in pursuit of an opulent lifestyle; extravagant excess by some typically deprives others of a basic standard of decent and secure living.
whoever has spared the life of a soul, it is as though he has spared the life of all people. Whosoever has killed a soul, it is as though he has murdered all of mankind.
islamic quotes
Eat and drink from the provision of Allah, and donot commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption.”
The world is beautiful and verdant, and verily God, the exalted, has made you His stewards in it, and He sees how you acquit yourselve
verily all things We have created in proportion and measure.”
"the lord god, took the man and put him in the garden pf eden to work and take care for it"
death and afterlife
"those who good deedsweighheavy will be successful but those who balance is light will have lost their soulsforever and stay in hell.
prophet muhammad (pbuh) said
may the curse of allah be on the one who treatsanimalsharshly